Jacqueline Dobres, MS OT R/L, BCBA
Power Up Speaker
Jacqueline Dobres, MS OT R/L, BCBA
Jacqueline Dobres, MS OT R/L, BCBA is an experienced behavior analyst with experience in early intervention, private school, public schools, consulting to public schools and in-home settings, with supervision experience of both staff and graduate students, including development and implementation of research based staff
training model. Jacqueline Dobres specializes in conducting preference assessments, functional analyses, behavior
plans, educational programs, data collection systems, motivation systems and data analysis.
Jacqueline Dobres is currently a behavior analyst at the Piscataway Public School District.
Financial— Jacqueline Dobres received a speaking fee from the Lavi Institute/Power Up Conference
Nonfinancial— No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.